Your Website Was Hacked… Here’s How to Fix It
Oh no… Your website was hacked and taken offline. Follow our guide to fix your website, restore your data and get back on the right track.
Oh no… Your website was hacked and taken offline. Follow our guide to fix your website, restore your data and get back on the right track.
What makes a good or even a great website? Good websites focus on the basics. Start with functionality, minimalism, consistency and high quality content.
With reusable components, web development is faster, cheaper and more secure. But watch what you use. The most common website problem is using components with known vulnerabilities.
What is a website? And how does it work? You open your computer browser, and within seconds, a website shows on your screen. But there are millions of pieces of computer code, wires and components that make websites work.
A visitor to your company website doesn’t care about the colors, design, the layout or that you have the latest icons and stylesheet features. In fact, no one cares what your website looks like (as long as the design isn’t too atrocious).
How to speed up your website? There are many things that make your website slow to load. From servers to scripts, from DNS to databases, the many factors affecting site speed can overwhelm the most experienced developer.
Your website has been hacked. We have hacked your website and extracted your databases. Our team has gained full control of all your information… What would you do if you got a message like this?
Does your website have a broken authentication vulnerability? Do you allow brute force attacks or weak passwords? Do you use default or weak passwords, or insecure credential recovery?
You can enable scripts on your web site to save time and gain functionality. But what if a hacker could trick your server into sending their own script instead? Say hello to cross-site scripting.